

Asmiara is a world of many different species and creatures. It is a largely tropical environment with a few colder landscapes. The world, as well as the prominent species known as witches, were created by the Goddess Aine. Aine who was the first light came out of the darkness, the being now known as Areli.

Asmiara is a world with lush forests, beautiful waterfalls, and all sorts of wonders just waiting to be discovered. They ten to be curious people who welcome visitors as well as enjoy learning about other worlds and cultures.

Asmiara has a vast array of accents depending on species and/or clan. Those of mixed heritage will often have blended accents and over time the accents are not as thick in some cases with new generations. These accents sound like some Earth accents but not exactly like them.

Languages work the same way depending on species or in the case of witch and dragon clans or types. The languages are the same but different from their closest Earth counterparts. Common is spoken among most races as an agreed-upon language of sort of daily life. Common is most like what we call English.

There are many species that live all over the world spread on in their own countries, forests, caves, and a multitude of other locations unique to their needs.

Aristaeus Star System

Dark Asmiara Solar System