Human Origins

Humans from Asmiara are said to have descended from the supernatural races that call the planet home. It is believed that long ago the varies supernatural species gave birth to a large number of children with little to no magical abilities. Having powerless children was not a new concept to the supernatural races. They had many such children before this event and continued to have them long after it had passed. However, what made this event different from the other times' such children were born were the sheer number of powerless children brought into the world at the time.

There were those who believed that so many powerless children being born at once meant the loss of magic upon Asmiara, and believed that if something wasn't done that the magic would be completely gone from the planet in as little as a few decades. They didn't agree on how to prevent this from happening. Some believed that all they needed was to appease the goddess. They claimed that they are lost of magic was due to the fact that they had done something to displease her, and they will only gain it back if they made amend for their sins.

Others believed that the only way to regain the lost magic was to kill those born without it. They claimed that their world's magic was being absorbed---some even believed destroyed--by these powerless children, and believed killing the powerless children was the only way to prevent all their magic from being completely absorbed or even destroyed. It was an idea that spread like wildfire across the planet, and those powerless children either fought to defend themselves or fled for their lives. It eventually became clear that a large number of powerless children being born at the time had no direct connection to the magic upon Asmiara.

The varies races upon Asmiara welcomed the powerless back into their societies, but not every powerless were eager to walk back into the societies that had been so eager to destroy them not so long ago. There were those whose lack of eagerness had more to do with the future treatment of their kind rather than past treatment. They believed that no matter how open to the powerless these other races are they will never accept them as equal members of their society. These were societies where your position was based upon your power level, and the fact they had no power meant they would always be on the bottom of these societies hierarchy.

A large number of powerless set out to form their own societies. Over time these powerless became known as humans, and many of their societies rose and fell--some were absorbed by the supernatural societies they had broken away from while others were simply destroyed. However, some of these human nations managed to withstand the test of time. One such nation was Adrealia. It was a country that decided to prevent itself from suffering the same fate as other human societies by limiting its contact with the supernatural. Adrealia forbids any supernatural beings inside their borders on the pain of death, but not all supernaturals within Adrealia came from outside its borders.

Evidence of their supernatural heritage reveals itself in humans born with special abilities. At first, these humans were killed, but then one day one of those humans with special abilities named Devin Kearney convinced them that keeping the powered humans alive might be for their best interest. They could patrol the borders, and keep any foreign supernatural outside their land. Their special abilities would allow them to have a more equal footing upon the field of battle against these supernatural beings, and even if they were killed during the process it would be no real loss. This was how the elite order was born. An order is known for producing the best warriors in Adrealia--some argue the best warrior on Asmiara itself. This was how the elites were formed. However, there were those that wanted to make better weapons. They wanted to embrace new ways of thinking and experiment on them. Combining powers and such and messing with genetics to make them more.

Most people didn’t agree with this and it caused a split some leaving to form the country of Erendalle. They built labs all over the world and embraced new technology. They set out to make better soldiers. They viewed them as nothing more than tools to achieve a goal and that goal was to rule the world. They were created to be perfect.

In time the creations came to believe that they were better and overthrew the non-powered and enslaved them. However, they continued to experiment on themselves to make a stronger race one that would someday rule the world believing they were superior.