

Some would say that the Von Clan had always had a flair for trouble. Like their concept seeking to manipulate the world around them. Thought to be lost doing the Concept War they made a comeback later dividing into two groups. Both groups with their own customs and beliefs some believing Bryce not worthy of taking his father's place. Asmia is a harsh cold place with a vast frozen desert. The inhabits of this place can be just as tough and in some cases can seem unforgiving of weakness.


In the center of the country is the main clan estate. A frozen land surrounds it with pine trees a fitting backdrop for the raising castle. Most of the main clan was wiped out by Kyrell leaving only the younger generation that tries hard to rebuild what was lost and bring their clan back to its former power.


On the opposite side is the hidden estate of those that left the clan when Bryce came into power. Asnea is what they call it claiming to be a separate country. Believing someday that the priest and priestess of manipulation would rule them again left awaiting their return. Bryce's father viewed him as nothing more than a tool and they shared this idea. Creating a council of elders and naming a young one as leader over the centuries they ruled in this person's place. Sending kids out to survive the frozen wilds and rigging the test to ensure the ones they wanted survived. However, sometimes one they did not manages to and in this case, they named her leader to keep an eye on her while she works behind the scene playing the good girl. She rescues those who are supposed to die and has been training an army to do away with the old and embrace a new way of life.

Iridescent lights

The iridescent lights are all along the country towards the top. On some nights they can be seen some say they are the ancestors shining down, others say they are glow from deep inside the void coming from Aine's mirror, and others say Aine likes to paint the sky. But no matter what they are one of the natural wonders of Asmia.

Frost Geyser 

Frost Geyser is a favorite spot shooting out icy cold water every hour into the air. The ground around it is barren but the geyser just shoots up as locals like to watch or try to take the challenge to see how close they can get to the blast.

Icy Expanse

The Icy Expanse is the wilderness that those of the hidden Von Clan are sent to pass their test. All kids are required to take it at a young age. Many perish in the snow-covered expanse and those that don't are forever changed and not always for the best,

Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake is located on the border of what some claim to be Asnea. The clear blue water is very cold but manages to stay unfrozen in the frigid temperatures that surround it.

Glacier Springs

Glacier Springs are a series of hot springs craved into the frozen landscape. How they came to be is a mystery but the warm water attracts many guests as well as the unique design.


Berlis is a small city along the coast of Asmia where supplies are often brought through. It is a cute little town with the frozen landscape as a backdrop.


Topan is another city along the coast though it is along the southern coast. It is a bit warmer there though the path to get there is covered by bits of floating ice so ships need to be cautious when traveling to its shore 

Crystal Caves

The Crystal Caves are a series of caves were Spencer's rebels make their home. It is where she hides the kids that she finds creating their own living space deep within the caves.