

The Vesela Clan once known by a different name had changed names many times in its history. Making its home on a collection of islands known as Olannya. Throughout history, this clan has managed to play a role of the council of six despite its size and almost several times being taken by other larger clans. The proud people of Olannya have a rich island heritage that they are happy to share with others from island hopping to surfing they love the water and the warm temperature and beautiful beaches make for a lovely place to visit.


The biggest island is called Kalst and not too far from that is the island Kihn where the Vesela Estate can be found a few islands away surrounded by the deep blue waters of the Azure Sea. It is where the main family lives and where most business is conducted making it Olannya's seat of government while the majority of its population can be found on the larger island of Kalst and scattered among the smaller islands in small villages.


Being found in the water most villages are right up against the shoreline even though others do exist. Fishing a major trade item for the people of Olannya. This village on the island of Kalst is one of the more known ones. Solime is on the northern coast of the island. It is known for its trade and light green waters that exist close to the shore.


Emerald Pond and Waterfall

The Emerald Pond and Waterfall host a pretty green pool with many local legends. Some say a young lady threw a stone in and made a wish to bring back her beloved and it forever changed the water to the color of the stone. Some say the pond was touched by magic giving it a green tint and that it has special healing powers. Everyone seems to have a story to tell that it has become a favored past time to sit around the waters and share them. It is located on the small island known as Mylm.



The island called Mykos is very hilly and the village of Stogis is located on this island built into one of the many hillsides that make up this lush green island.

Haven Beach

Haven Beach is one of the many wonderful beaches in the country. Located on the main island of Kalst it is also the largest the colors mix here to create lovely effects.

Rose Falls

Rose Falls on Kalst is known for its pink waters and how it smells of roses from the water roses that grow close to the falls.