
The Concept War

Each Concept created their own species and for Magic it was dragons. The first of these dragons was a purple dragon that had been Magic, Ceri Lavoie’s friend, and companion. This dragon fell for a witch and had twin boys. One of these boys was promised to Ceri’s own daughter, Sloane. However, it would be his brother that she would want to marry. Deva was so upset by their betrayal because it was not just his brother but his twin, witch twins sharing bonds that connect them so tightly together. That and his power to feel the pain of the world around him drove him some might say to madness. He sent out to rewrite the world and create a world free of pain. He marched across the land causing destruction wherever he went.

They needed to stop him however Ceri didn’t want to kill him. She loved him in her mind he was her grandson. So, she set out to find another way. A spell was found that would create for him a world. A world that he could forge in his own way and would be free of the pain that plagued him in this world. However, it would require a great deal of power. Ceri was willing to give up her very existence never to return to be erased to save him. However, the other Concepts knew this was a bad idea. So, they offered to give up some of their power in order to make the spell work. If there were six of them the demand on each would be lesser. So, they set out to perform the spell. However, it cost them more than they had thought it would.

It cost them their immortality. Ceri was afraid that the spell would cost them everything and that they would never come back just exist as nothing but ideas for the rest of time. It cost their lives leaving the world without the six clans heads and the gods that watched over the world. The world it would seem would be lost as well. The creative concepts had served as their guides and leaders and suddenly they were gone. People began to fight for power trying to fill their shoes. Dreams of power made clans fight against each other those within fight for control it was a madhouse and Sloane had no way to fix it. Sloane tried but people wouldn't see reason and she watched as the clans went to war and everything seemed lost.

Many clans disappeared or were wiped out leaving Sloane to take action. She realized she needed to do something less her kind die out. The first of Aine's children, the race she created herself that other races had sprung from could not perish.

She returned to try and talk reason in them. Some people saw what she was saying and she gathered those up and set them off to catch up with later. The rest were lost in greed, stupidity, and the promise of power by their own minds. So she called a meeting claiming a contest to decide who would lead. The once great city that had sheltered all the clans would become their tomb. She saw what was in their hearts and minds. So when they showed up she sealed the gates closed behind them locking them in using her own powers to ensure none would get out,

She drove them all mad. Speeding up their ambitions and twisting them till they tore each other apart. Her destructive power used to end them as she watched in silence both in awe and fear of what she was capable of when the dust settled she walked away leaving them where they laid the last witches to live there.

She set out with those who choose to leave and rewrote history claiming there were only six clans and divided them up. She found them a new place to settle created them a new history and started them on a new path. However, she wanted to keep the city safe and the truth with it. Not wanting anyone to know but fearing they might need to she went to a friend of hers, the elf king, Kolya. Thus ending the Concept War and beginning a new history for witches the truth coming out recently.

Wolf War

After the death of Queen Astrea, those who had opposed her realized their mistake. They came to realize what many would call her centuries after her death that she was the greatest queen to have lived. They wished to claim some of her brilliance--believing if they did so they could help make her dream into a reality. They decided to do this by learning her specialization, which was spirit magic, and becoming just as talented as she was--if not more so within this field of magic. They came up with the genius plan of merging themselves with an animal. It was a plan that Kyrell knew wasn't going to work. They originally wanted to do it with the Falcon--Astrea's spirit animal. Kyrell knew just how bad it would fail. He tried to convince them just how bad this plan was, but they refused to heed his words. So, he decided to get everyone on the canine hating bandwagon by convincing them to use the wolf instead.

One would have thought that Kyrell's known hatred of anything within the canine family would have clued those who were trying to do this spell just how bad the idea was the very moment he suggested the wolf, but they were so blinded by their vision they didn't see it, and the disaster that followed became known as the Great Betrayal. Those witches who had merged themselves with the wolves became werewolves and ended up killing countless numbers of witches, wiped out many clans completely, and devastated the rest. Kyrell's plan to get others to hate the wolves worked. They declared war upon the wolves and become to work, as Kyrell had for centuries to wipe them out. They, also, worked on restoring the clan and they did it with the help of Kyrell, who encouraged them to recreate the clans to better fit Astrea's vision. Those who survived the horrors shared what had happened with those born after or those who had been too young at the time to remember what had happened.

Slowly those who changed learned control from the natural wolf pack that realized they too would be blamed and with this control a shaky peace was granted. Though many witches still are mistrustful of wolves and this is slowly fading in modern times as the two races are intermingling more and more.

Astrea's War

It was during this time that the greatest witch queen by the name of Astrea would be born. She would be the only monarch to almost get rid of the separate, but together government system of the witches.

Astrea was born during the dark ages during the time when the witches as a whole embraced the darkness. It was during a time when the test a witch needed to pass before they are considered a functioning member of society were a literal life and death struggle. How much of a life and death struggle one of these tests was depended on how much the witch taking it was desired to passed. Astrea was not desired to pass at all and was given the most difficult test. However, in spite, the others desire she would pass. It was during this test that she would meet Sindri, and he saw the potential within her.

It was here that she decided that she would become queen and destroy the corruption that was slowly destroying the witches from the inside out. Her first action after passing the test was to kill every head of the high council--including her own father--within the council chambers. It was not an action that went over well with the other witches, but slowly she brought them over to her way of thinking until the separate, but together ways were starting to look like an idea of the past. It was also during this time that the witches began to reconnect to the old religion by rediscovering Aine the one who had created them.

Those who opposed her came up with an assassination plan---one that Astrea became aware of. She made Kyrell promise to not bring her back from the dead when they succeed. She knew his abilities. Since he had risen his sister's body from the dead, he had learned how to put a soul into a body. It was a promise he kept. Even, with Sindri-- who had become her husband by this time--begging him to bring her back long enough for him to transfer their unborn child to another. Kyrell knew that Astrea would forgive him for breaking his promise if it was for her child's sake, but Kyrell knew that if he brought her back that he wouldn't be able to let her go again. It was easier to refuse Sindri's request. This decision did not please Sindri, but unlike those who had killed Astrea, he did hold it against him. In fact, he told Kyrell he understood why he made that decision.

Sindri told those who played a role in her death that they were fools who did not know what they had done and that he was no longer going to advise them before retreating to his island. Kyrell responded to those who killed Astrea and her unborn child in a very different way. He slaughtered them all and their entire families in what many consider the bloodiest massacre in history. He then reclaimed the title of the clan head. He stopped any opposition to his claim by saying he would kill not only those who opposed him but their entire families as well. What he had done to those who played even the smallest part in Astrea's death was fresh within everyone's mind and this quickly silenced any opposition to him being head of the Giese clan.

Celestial War

Sindri went off into the wilderness alone for many years, and when he returned to society he had once again ascended. He became a god. It quickly became clear that he was the god of the sea. The others were amazed. He was a prime example of what the witches could become. They admired him and wanted to know how he achieved godhood. Sindri was more than happy to share the secrets with them. He did not think that it was something he could keep for himself. It proved to be a difficult concept for many, but a few managed to ascend. 

And chaos erupted. While Sindri had no problem in telling someone how it was done he still believed that one had to do it with their own two hands, but not everyone who ascended after him believed this. They began to help those they wished to ascend do so by other means. Another war broke out that threaten to destroy the witches, but it was not just the witches this war threaten to destroy, but the entire universe as well. It was clear that something had to be done, and it was. Many of the witches who ascended into godhood were killed, and a new rule was set into place that would help prevent this from happening again. This rule was that a candidate for godhood will need permission before ascending. It will be a rule that will be followed until the modern day.

The Fae War

The Fae War was a series of misunderstandings and strange deaths that happen early in history. The horrid death of many faerie children was blamed on witches who came into the woods. Witches that were hunted down this leading to problems and fighting between the two races. Fairies who are a part of nature and a pretty big race themselves were quite the challenge for the witch clans. As a result, Aine's priest at the time decided to declare himself the first king to deal with the problem.

Sindri would end up leaving his position as a high priest for the throne of the witches. It was done out of necessity. War with another race came knocking on the witches' door and would have destroyed them if Sindri hadn't intervened. He did not ascend to the throne in the same manner that all the others who achieved the status as monarch of would. There was no vote. No recognition from the witch society as a whole his right to rule.

He just simply walked into the council chambers and told them that he was their king. At first, those within the council chambers protest against it. Having a king went completely against tradition, but quickly changed their tune after Sindri knocked a few heads in. He was not just king in the human sense of the word. Yes, he would be their supreme ruler, but this was not a position that one inherited like the head of a clan. No, it was a position that one earns by ascending to another state of being. No one knew at the time what changes occurs during this ascension. However, it was clear that Sindri had talents he didn't possess as a mere witch. Quickly, he put an end to the war that was threatening to destroy his people. To this day no one knows what really happened to the faerie kids.

Dragon War

During a time when everyone was seeking power, it was decided to hunt dragons. For the magical properties in their scales as well as other things like for armor or weapons. During this time the dragons, of course, fought back and many dragon hunters came upon the scene. The numbers of dragons seemed to be dwindling as the battles spiraled out of control.

It was this fact that caused the dragons to decide to go into hiding but they knew that those who hunted them would never stop. So they asked for help from Sloane the daughter of their creator magic who was happy to assist. Like she had done with witches she intervened once again to save a species from dying out.

This time making it seem like all dragons had died out while slowly weaving it into history that they might be nothing more than myth and generations later that seemed to be believed some thinking the Dragon War just a story told by the ancestors as the dragons remained hidden till recently.

The Division War

When the elite order was found there was disagreement in what and how to deal with them with power at first it was the policy to banish or kill them till it became clear they could be used to guard against supernatural creatures. Some believing they should be used only in defense of others taking a more extremist view causing a divide between the two factors leading one to break away from Adrealia and later form the kingdom of Erendalle.

The Powered Revolution 

In Erendalle powered were treated as nothing more than tools until they rebelled and took control. Control which they have had ever sense flipping the power in the country so those with powers were in charge instead of the mundane,

Dragonfly Uprising 

The Dragonfly became a legend reaching out to the mundane who had no power in Erendalle and encouraging them to speak out and express the wrongs of their society leading to a small uprising that was put down and the man believed to be the dragonfly imprisoned.

New Age Revolution

Believing that the leaders in Erendalle had gone soft and no longer had the vision to carry the country into the future Kyson lead a group against the government taking out the power base and his son Iejiel declared himself king ushering a new era and only time will tell what changes he puts into place.