Witches believe in this concept called the right of the victim. They believe that only the victim of a crime can truly understand the pain that particular injustice has caused them. It is for this reason that the victim(s) of a crime is allowed to pick the punishment that the guilty party receives. However, they are not given complete reign over deciding the punishment. The punishment must fit the crime. There are just some crimes where the death sentence is never considered a suitable punishment. There are, also, cases where the victim is unable to decide a punishment for the guilty party. This can be because of the victim's age, mental state, or even in the event of the victim's death. If any of this is the case then the victims next of kin are allowed to pick the punishment. Through, there is no clear cut way of deciding whether a victim in either the age or mental state options will be allowed to choose the punishment or if their next of kin will. There have been cases where two years old have been allowed to decide the punishment as well as ones where this right was given to their next of kin.
Which kin is given the right to decide punishment in the event that the victim is declared unfit for such a task has a specific list it follows. Parents or first spouse---depending on whether the witch is married or not--is first. The victim's children--if they have them--are second. The siblings are third. The victim or their next of kin can name someone as their sword. A sword is someone who enacts justice on the victim's behalf. Those who believe they cannot be impartial will elect a sword, or they will name someone their sword in the event that the punishment must be the guilty party's death and they are unable to carry out the execution of that person. The victims next of kin can also declare themselves as the victim's sword, but they must bend to the victims' will on what punishment the guilty party receives if they are declared fit to decide such things. Just for brief information, entire clans can be killed for the actions of their leaders--especially if it is decided they supported that action. They have a shield concept as well as the sword. Unlike the sword, the shield can never be named by someone else. Someone must always volunteer to serve as a shield. The shield is someone who decides to receive the punishment on behalf of the guilty party.
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