Dark Dragons

Dark Dragons

The Dark dragons akin to the avatar of darkness known as Areli are recognized for their black scales and love of chaotic situations. They tend to be the biggest warrior class in dragon terms and most follow the path of the warrior. It's said if too Dark Dragons clash lightning can be seen arcing across the sky. They are connected to the darkness and thus control it, they're also able to blend into the darkness and in some cases become invisible. Black dragons have an unconscious ability to promote fear in others. Black dragons breathe lightning instead of fire.

Black dragons like all dragons on Asmiara were created by the concept of magic. She created them in honor of her brothers and sisters and her creator Aine, and the darkness from which Aine sprung, Areli, the Void itself. Black dragons were created in his image. Creating each in the image of a various concept and the two creators. Black dragons were creatures of the Void, traveling through a series of caves between the two worlds. And the first of the black dragons was their queen, Kiara.

Like, the rest of the children of the Void she was immortal. She would return to the Void if her physical form was to die. And the black dragons that were created after she was made from pieces of herself like Areli had once done before her to create his own people. So, she mimicked his actions to create more of her own kind and as such, they are tied to her whims. For black dragons are immortal as long as their queen deems it such.

Nihil Cave

Filled with underground passages, rivers, and glowing walls the Nihil Caves are home to the Black Dragons of Asmiara. Some say that they have portals to the void hidden in the deepest recesses of the caves in order to travel back and forth the Void.

Nihil caves underground rivers take on interesting hues. They are sources of water for the dragons that build their dens there while hard to find in the maze-like caves.

The caves are filled with black crystals and deeply hidden paths. The crystals only exist in Nihil caves so with dragons being hidden till recently people have begun to wonder what they might be used for.

Deep in the caves are sparkle bugs that crawl leaving a sort of dust behind them that glows in the dark. This dust stays and illuminates the cave.

Black Dragons

Queen of the Black Dragons

First of her kind

Lord of the Abyss 

Second of his kind

Aella Sullivan

Merrick Sullivan

Darken Lamar

The Dark Warrior