Fairy Culture

As we talked about fairies were created by nature to help protect and look after his domain. As such fae have a unique bond with the natural world. They can commune with nature and talk to animals and plants, the same gift that Nature gives to Magic their first life, a soul gift that she carries in all lives. Those that are not a fairy and have it are rare and are considered fae blessed or kissed. Fairies will seek out anyone known to have such gifts believing they belong to the fae.

The quickest way to make a fairy mad is to hurt nature. If you accidentally do something be quick to say sorry to the thing you hurt. They do understand the need for food or shelter but going outside the balance is a sure fire way to get killed. Most fairies will simply cut you down or take you to their king or queen for judgment if unsure. Fairy law is swift and they rarely offer appeals once a king or queen has passed sentence. Most of the time it is as simple as you say your piece those who saw what you did say theirs and punishment is decided and dealt with on the spot.

For bigger issues or problems among different courts, the high court would make a ruling. The High Court tends to be the court that governs the others and makes sure fae law is followed. The high king always has the final say in all matters.

Fairy Courts

Irial divided his subjects into six courts. Four of them represented each of the seasons--Summer, Winter, Spring, and fall. These fae help usher in the seasons across the lands. They are most powerful and active during their respected seasons, and all but the most powerful ones of their courts will hibernate when it isn't their seasons. The fifth court duties were to look over the wildlife. They are to keep them nice and cozy during the winter and coax them out from their slumber when spring arrives. Most of all they are to protect them against any and all that wish their charges harm. Aside from Irial, they are the only fairies who can call a wild hunt

The last court, which is ruled by Irial is responsible for making sure the other courts remember their duties and obey the fairies laws. They will not hesitate to remove or completely destroy those faes that don't remember their place. They also ensure that the other courts are protected. Guarding the season courts during their hibernation, and coming to their aid when they come upon enemies that is too strong for them.

The Winter Court has some dominion over the Fall Court which is a smaller Court. The King of the Autumn Court is also the Knight of the Winter Court thus protecting the Winter Queen and tying the two courts together. The same is true for The Summer Court, the smaller Spring Court is connected to it. The Spring King is also the Summer Knight thus both rulers work together. The Winter and Summer Queens might have bigger courts and such but those courts protect them. A Queen reigns for however long Nature decides some for days overs for centuries. When a new Queen is found the old one knows her reign is coming to an end and trains the new one for when that day comes.

Recently, however, two Winter Queens have been named and it is causing people to wonder if the old system must be redone. Perhaps because fairies are so widespread or because witches are going back to ways long forgotten or it is just time for a change only time will tell. If a queen dies before a new one is found it throws the season into disarray. 

The High Court and Animal Court are a bit different. The High King has always been the first fairy, Irial. And the animal court does not have a knight through the high court will come to its aid if just like any court. Fairies live everywhere and some do not even see their rulers being spread out all over Asmiara. Those that do not align with a court are solitary though sometimes later they will be because they feel a connection to a new queen and sometimes it is for life


Fairy language is the language of nature. They understand the language of all living things and thus adjust to match. They do have their own among themselves and their accents sound very much like Slovakian from Earth though also different. There are variation in how the accent sounds depending on what court the fae was born in and or aligned with.


Family is important but your court is considered apart of your family. Because you may be born in one court but align with another. Your birth family still matters and you are connected to them but court fealty is everything. You make a vow to that court and thus its interest are the most important thing not to mention among lesser fae you are bound by the seasons. Small fae like pixies and stuff cannot survive outside their season thus they only wander for brief periods and the rest are spent in the eternal woods of their season.


The two most important days to fairies are the winter and summer solstice being the festival of the light and the festival of the dark. The wild hunt is called and the fairies hunt those within the forests. Some to kill, some to keep, and for many other reasons, one must not enter during these days without a mark of protection. 

The wild hunt can be called for other reasons though only a select number of fae are able to do this. When it is called it is usually by the high king and is a force all its own.