Creative Concepts

After Aine created the world known as Asmiara she decided what forces would be needed to help her shape her world these forces came to be known as the Creative Concepts unlike their darker opposites they stayed on the world thus each was directly in charge of a clan and for the longest time they were the guiding force of the planet.


Current Name: Everleigh Paxton

Original Name Ceri Lavoie

Original Clan Headed: Lavoie

Partner: Nature

Color: Green

Opposite: Madness

High Priestess: Aila Giese

High Priest: Yevhen Cervenka

Magic is everywhere and witches believe that it is the most unbend-able force out there. That is why magic is your will thrust against the universe. Only those with the strongest wills can bend this force to become something else or do something for them. Spells are often limited by the will of the person doing them and magic always seeks to return as it was before it was changed. Magic in its purest form is green and it makes up everything.

Magic has an hourglass necklace with green dust inside that is a conduit for her powers and allows her to pull or return magic where it is needed into the world. It can affect the all--the stream or flow of magic that is always being recycled and recreated into being. All is how everything connects to one another showing where it belongs and what has been changed.


Current Name: Kieran Giese

Original Name: Nahele Darzi

Original Clan Lead: Darzi

Partner: Magic

Color: Light Purple

Opposite: Decay

High Priestess of Winter: Ansley Morgan-Giese

High Priestess of Summer: Ciara Black

High Priest of Spring: Eloi Vesela

High Priest of Fall: Rhys Devry

Nature is the natural world. The seasons, the trees, the water, and everything that allows for life to exist in the world. He takes the magic and decides what it should be doing it become a tree, animal, or a person whatever is needed to make the world thrive. As such he has four priests and priestesses that help by being in charge of a different season and element that goes along with it. Summer is fire. Winter is water. Fall is wind. Spring is the earth. 

Nature's staff much like Magic's necklace helps him to use his powers. The staff is carved from wood from the Aine's tree. It allows him to grow the whole forest simply by placing it in the ground. He can summon animals to him and commune with them long distance. He gave Magic the ability to speak to animals their first life to show his love for her. As a soul gift, she maintains the power in all lives. 


Current Name: Kyrell Giese

Original Name: Shai Aysea

Original Clan Lead: Aysea

Partner: Imagination

Color: Gold

Opposite: Chaos

High Priestess: Nydia Reynolds

High Priest: Khayri Damyanov

Fate creates paths to keep the world running. He can see each choice played out and where it leads and he ensures people follow the path he lays out before them. Like Magic, it is hard to move Fate but free will does have a hand and while he hates it when people go off the path he sets he admires those with the will power to do so. All choices lead a person somewhere and he decides where that somewhere is going to be. 

Fate's ball allows him to look and see anyone at any time and where they are going. He can use it to see their past and what could have happened had they made another choice as well as the possible outcomes for their future and how it impacts others and the world as a whole.


Current Name: Kieran Isadora Giese

Original Name: Khayal Kasika

Original Clan Lead: Kasika

Partner: Fate

Color: Silver

Opposite: Manipulation

High Priestess: 

High Priest: Cinead Giese

Imagination or free will as she is also known is the force that always people to make choices in their lives. It is also the creative force that inspires the imagination. Through this force, new ideas are born and brought into the world creating new paths and new ways to do things. It creates art, music, writing, and other creative enterprises that make the world a more beautiful place.    

She has a paintbrush that can bring into being anything she creates. With a stroke of it, notes can be formed or a story can be created. Colors can exist that have not existed before. It is run on her powers and the creativity of imagination's own mind. 


Current Name: Aiyana Lavoie

Original Name: Mireya Morgan

Original Clan Lead: Morgan

Partner: Death

Color: Pink

Opposite: Disease

High Priestess:

High Priest: Alex Lavoie

Life is that spark that makes something live, breath, exist. It is where it becomes more than an object. It is the soul that resides within every living thing has it. An essence that can be felt some might call it an aura but it is what makes every living thing unique.

The sword of Life can bring someone back. It can bring many people back. It just takes a flick and it can heal someone even those on death's door though Life does not use it lightly.


Current Name: Colden Giese

Original Name: Nikola De Vries

Original Clan Lead: De Vries

Partner: Life

Color: Orange

Opposite: War

High Priestess: Savannah Reynolds

High Priest: Dacian Westfall

Death is when the shell can no longer sustain the soul. Death comes and takes the soul to be with the Goddess and the recycles the shell back to its original form and returns it to the all so that it can be put back into the cosmos and returned to once again be apart of the cycle. 

Death's sword is the opposite of Life's. It can kill with a touch. It can call souls forth to follow to take them to the afterlife. It breaks everything down and returns the energy or magic back to the universe and ensures that the cycle begins again.