The Dragons are a race of creatures from Asmiara, that have long since become fabled as myths, only the oldest of witches, or perhaps those lucky enough to stumble upon one of them actually know of their existence. It's said that long ago, before the Dark Ages, Dragons used to mingle freely among the other races but were forced to flee into hiding when conflict brought upon them the time of Dragon Slaying. These days they tend to keep themselves to themselves, hiding behind a veil of secrecy if they do choose to venture out of seclusion.
Though there's one large main clan, which most of them are actually a part of, Dragons fall into different Class Types depending on Scale Colour and Skill Set: Each Class wields a specific type of abilities.
The Origins
This story is considered one of the most sacred legends of the dragon community, it describes the birth of the first of their kind. Everybody knows their world was created by the great goddess Aine, who then created the six aspects of witches: Life, Death, Nature, Magic, Imagination, and Fate. Each of these aspects was according to the legends gifted with the ability to create and as would anyone who discovered they had such a power, they'd each breath life into a new race.
In the case of the dragons, their creator was the Aspect of Magic: The first of the dragons were created with traits based upon the aspects themselves, as closest to Magic she started with the Mystics, bestowing them with the gift of being able to work magic in its many forms, an essence of inspiration and a deep connection with the spiritual. Next, she took the aspect of nature and split it into several distinct elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ice. The Light and The Dark were created to mirror The goddess Aine herself and Areli, the embodiment of the darkness from which the world began.
Over time the original dragons inter-mated and produced the dragon classes that exist today.
Lesser Clans
There is very little information known about the lesser clans only that for some reason or another they chose to break away from the main clan and go it alone. Be that because of a disagreement or a differing opinion on how things should be done. Sand Dragons (Brown): One such lesser clan would be the sand dragons, known by that name for their brown scales if little else. They've secluded themselves from the rest of dragon kind for so long nobody is aware they've actually died out and this will remain to be the case until one of those ancestors reaches out to the main clan via the Shaman.
The Council
Given how power hungry dragons can become if they're allowed to have too much say it was decided that the leadership of the dragon race would be split, with a representative of each Class Type holding the position of Class Head. In times of imminent danger to the entire race, these leaders then come together to form The Council: Eight distinct voices that govern their people with equal say. Each class has a certain and distinct way of choosing their Leader, truthfully they believe Destiny chooses the right leader, as a sort of divine intervention.
The Mystics don't choose their leader at all, it is believed that the ancestors bless their chosen, naming them the clan Shaman: That one Mystic which the ancestors choose as their voice. It's not altogether known how the other classes decide who their leader is. However, if the true leader of a class has yet to be found, then the people may elect an Emissary: Someone who has the ability to make decisions and keep things running smoothly until the head can be found, this is the case with the Fire Class, they're currently being led by the Emissary while the Heir can be found and/or convinced to take their rightful place.
Black Dragons have an eternal queen like the Void that she was modeled after all black dragons are apart of her. She created others of her race much the same way that Areli created the destructive concepts.
Head Of The Mystics: Varya Declain.
Heir To Fire: Kallai Lehrer. (Currently Led By an Unnamed Dragon in the position of emissary.)
Head Of Water: Unknown.
Head Of Air: Unknown.
Head Of Earth: Unknown.
Head Of Ice: Unknown.
Head Of The Light: Unknown.
Head Of The Dark: Kiara Sullivan
Head Of The Mystics: Varya Declain.
Heir To Fire: Kallai Lehrer. (Currently Led By an Unnamed Dragon in the position of emissary.)
Head Of Water: Unknown.
Head Of Air: Unknown.
Head Of Earth: Unknown.
Head Of Ice: Unknown.
Head Of The Light: Unknown.
Head Of The Dark: Kiara Sullivan