Witches born into the main family of a clan are always bilingual, and in some cases they are multilingual. However, they always speak fluently the common tongue as well as the native language of their clan. The witches have many different languages, and they all have descended from the six languages that the six original clans spoke. In days of old, members of the main family only spoke the common tongue on special occasions while using their native tongue most of the time, but this has reversed with many clans. Or they speak both equally. This depends on whether or not their people speak the native tongue or the common language more readily.
For example, the Giese's people tend to speak their native language more often than not while the Lavoies tend to speak the common tongue. This is because the Giese has maintained their heritage throughout history while the Lavoies have just rediscovered theirs. However, even the younger members of the Giese's main family don't have as thick of an accent as their older members. Through, their accents are more noticeable than the members of the main family of the other six original clans. I have already established that each six original clans had their own language, but along with that, they had an accent when they spoke in the common tongue. I want to give people an understanding of what their accents sound like when they spoke so if someone from earth heard a member from each of the six original clans speak English this is what their accents would sound similar to The Giese would sound Russian, The Lavoie would sound like French, The Morgan or Devry Irish, The Azarola or Paxton Romanian, The De Vries or Vesela would sound like Italian, and the Salinas or Padovan Spanish.
Just so everyone knows I have included the original clan name as well as the name they are now known as. Also, I wish to note that the members of the Lavoie's main family might have a slight Irish accent--an actual Irish accent and not one that sounds similar to it like the members of the Morgan or Devry's. This is because their mother was from Ireland and they might have picked up the accent from her. The other members of a clan might be bilingual or multilingual like the main family. This depends on many factors. I will use Giese and Lavoie as an example again. All members of the Lavoie's tend to be multilingual. They all know the common tongue as well as whatever language they or their parents speak from their or their parent's birth clan, and they are also speak the Lavoie's original language to some degree. While only the Giese aristocrat tends to be bilingual or even multilingual. When you get to the average citizens they tend to only speak their native tongue.
Also, it was thought there were only six clans till it was revealed that originally there were twelve original clans created by Aine. Six of them were thought to be lost during the Concept War but they just went into hiding. Believing it was for the best Sloane struck them from history in order to ensure the remaining clans moved forward without the mistakes of the past. However, the members of these clans do seem to speak a form of common that was probably passed down since ancient times a little off from modern common and the native tongue of their people often with thicker accents than the six merged clans. The Cahille is like Cajun, Kincaid like Greek, Darzi like Australian, Aysea like Swedish, and the Kasika like Czech. The last clan the Von actually were not lost but to small that they lost most of their power and Sloane only used six through today the clan is divided with the main sounded like Portuguese and the side clan like Brazilian Portuguese.
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