Cahr Mountains

Cahr Mountains 

Cahr Mountains are the ice-covered mountains that the ice phoenixes call home. They are a small race that has the fewest in numbers of any other race and tend to keep to themselves. They have small settlements all over the mountains but they mostly stick to themselves.

Glacier Castle

Glacier Castle was created by phoenixes who like to create things out of ice. They don't have an actual government not really needing one because of their solitary nature. But they use it to gather together share creations and have fun more than anything else.

Slyt Bridge


Slyt Bridge is a natural bridge that crosses over a small valley. It looks like a bridge and some use it to cross over the ravine.

Black Ice Caves

Black Ice Caves are one of many caves in the mountains that they use to make their homes. Like most places it is cold and the ice seems to be dark blue or black in color.

Frost Caves

Frost Caves is another caves system that runs through the area but with lighter ice shades. This time of lighter blue or white but still cold.

Brookwood Forest

Brookwood Forest is an icy forest the trees are frozen suspended in mid-air above the ground yet they still bloom and they are always such.

Frost Mist Lake

Frost Mist Lake is surrounded by a frozen woods nestled deep in the mountains. Its beautiful blue waters almost make it appear to be a surreal dream.

Ice Lake

Ice Lake is a frozen lake with bits of ice that form on the top creating patterns. It looks like the lake is frosted with bits of ice.