Witches believe that when someone dies the only way they can return to the Goddess is whole. A body is considered something one never defiles. Only the worst crimes are punished by the loss of any part of the body and even then after death that part is often returned to be reattached to assure entrance into the afterlife. It is thought that one must leave the world as they came into it.
The Afterlife is Aine's realm in the Void some say separate but adjunct others say apart of but isolated by her powers and Areli's will. It is here that Aine's mirror exists. The mirror shows all things and can allow someone to travel through their lives and see what might have been. Looking into the mirror shows the whole truth of one's self thus why it is important to face the mirror whole for to do less is considered deceit and can keep you from gaining entrance to the afterlife forcing your soul to wander alone in the dark not apart of anything but trapped in the places between.
The great tree is also here or the tree of life. They say that souls come from the tree they ripen like fruit and the sparks fly to Asmiara to be directed and changed into more by Life as they become more complex beings.
When a witch dies the body is prepared by being washed and anointed with special oils. They are dressed in clothes that best show who they were in life and anything of importance is put on or near the body so it can make the journey. Candles are lit in the homes of those closest to the deceased so that the spirit can follow the light to the Goddess no other light is lit in these houses for three days other than the candles which are placed in the windows.
Witches are buried in tombs. These tombs exist in the clan's cemetery belonging to families the size and such of the tomb depends on the family in question. Those linked to the main house family are grander than those of the lesser families or those or secondary clans or even slave clans.
The body is placed in the tomb and keep preserved for one year long enough for the soul to return to the Goddess and all to be well before it is returned to the ground and magically decayed to return into them all. Once this is done a replica of the person is created in the tomb. Tombs are often elaborate and the richer the family the more so. Adjourned with beautiful coffins that bare resemblance to the person after the body has been removed and the person on a lovely pedestal preserved in till they are removed.
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