Dragon Creation

The concept of Magic was responsible for the creation of the race known as dragons. When the concept was young she decided she wanted to try and use her powers to make her own species. Being close to nature she asked him what she should create and he told her she should make a dragon. A dragon is a sort of winged lizard. He was obsessed with the idea where he came up with it was anyone’s guess. Did he get it from visiting other realms, from dreams, or the recesses of his own imagination?

It didn’t matter. She created the first dragon, a purple one that she gave powers like her own. Letting her tiny friend do spells. The first dragon that she deemed to be a mystic type dragon because mystic to her was like the mystique of magic was her constant companion. The dragon was small and could wrap itself around the young witch and she could take it with her.

In time she watched her friend fly and she wished that she could join it. But, alas her friend was too small for such things. So, she helped her friend to grow like the concept her friend grew bigger and bigger. In time the dragon became so large that she could ride it and soar amongst the clouds with her friend. However, she was sad it could no longer fit in the houses with her. And she wished she could talk to it like she did her brothers and sisters. So, she wove a spell that gave it a form very much like her own, allowing the dragon to have a human form just like she did. That way they could go everywhere together.

In time she decided to create more dragons so that all the other concepts could have a dragon that was like them. As well as the goddess that had created the concepts and the darkness from which she had come. First, she made the white and black dragons to mimic the ideas of light and dark. The goddess Aine being the light that created all witches and the dark being Areli her father from which she had come from. The dark dragons are said to be able to travel to the realm of the darkness, the witches void.

The next thing she did was create the nature dragon. The nature dragon was the embodiment of her partner her own mirror the concept of nature. From the nature dragon, she split it into four other parts, parts that were apart of nature yet also mimicked her brothers and sisters the other concepts. The concept of fire is like life. It thrives on living and like fire, it burns with a flame of existence. The concept of death was represented by air. Because the breeze is what takes the soul to the goddess, and the soul is spirit like air, and when life is gone one has no breath.

Then she took the natural idea of ice and blended to mimic imagination. Imagination being like ice in that it creates designs. It can form pictures on windows. Children create objects out of the snow, and snowflakes are all different. Thus, ice is related to the realm of imagination. Lastly, water was made to mimic the idea of fate. Like fate, water flows down a path this path is mostly unchanging. Things can get in the way of the path and keep it from flowing for a time but in the end, the water begins to flow again and the path resumes. Fate is like that it is always flowing through our lives.

In time the dragons left the world retreating into hiding in their own little village far away in the mountains some say this was after the concept of life died and the original red passed away to protect her. Others say it was to protect themselves from those that would hunt them. But, dragons are very much alive and connected to the magic of the world.