Phoenix Creation

Imagination was always creating things. Art, stories, and many other things. She was free-spirited and encouraged witches to be as such. And as such she liked to create statues out of many substances but one of her favored was ice. She loved the way the light would catch off of it. She crafted all sorts of creatures and keep them in her palace where she put them on display. Creatures or people of all shapes and sizes. They say they still exist today within the first witch city.

The first Phoenix was the statue of a young man whom a young witch by the name of Eloise used to go and talk to. She was a lonely girl and through the years she talked to the statue more and more every day. He was her only friend. Imagination one day found out about it and decided to give the mane life. He became alive a creature of ice with powers of such and she named him Colden.

Khayal told him of the young woman and he was so moved he wanted to seek her out and make sure she was never lonely again. Khayal agreed and they went to find the girl only to discover that she had taken her own life. Ceri, the concept of magic had heard the girl as her soul moved on and hearing her wish to be something more took her soul and turned her into a beautiful white peacock.

The girl now a bird couldn't be with the man however Imagination created a special blue fire and engulfed them both. As a result, they were consumed and two beautiful white birds came out of the flames these were ice phoenixes combining both of what they were and a new race was born.

They could take both terms and spent their lives together every thousand years being consumed to honor the original way in which they were created.