

The United Witch Kingdom is called Virarias. It makes up all clans that came out of the Concept War with Sloane as they spread across the world and grew in numbers creating their own nations. Lesser clans sprung up but six ruling clans were always in charge of the governing of the witch nations while these clans have divided and changed names and been reformed with the exception of the Giese what remains is they make up the members of the small council. 

Each country is governed by the main clan and the main clan head is their leader. Lesser clan heads take charge of smaller pieces of land answering to the main clan. However, when it comes to things that effect witches as a whole the council has the final say. The small council is the six clan heads and the three most powerful of these clans make up the tribunal.

The council has been ruled by a queen or king throughout history how much power they had seemed to depend on the ruler and the time in which they ruled. Not everyone who ascends to the power level of monarch becomes a ruler the council must vote on the appointment. However, there have been two times in history when this did not happen. Five hundred years ago when Astrea killed the council and declared herself queen and recently when Kyrell killed one member and challenged anyone else to oppose him. Kyrell is currently king with Alex Lavoie as his right hand.


The first witch city was the circular city of Aserora now protected by the elves. All twelve clans lived there together each having a part of the city. The city was destroyed during the Concept Wars and those that could not be reasoned with were left behind to their fates.

Many clans became lost during that time only to be found as much of the past history is being discovered. Now these clans that have been on their own are finding a much larger world as the people of Virarias try and figure how to put them into their society.